PEPC and Parkplanning will have an outage from 5 PM to 10 PM MT on July 19th due to network maintenance. Please plan and save your work accordingly.

Utility Line Relocation and Temporary Water Line for Boulder City Bypass Project

Lake Mead National Recreation Area » Utility Line Relocation and Temporary Water Line for Boulder City Bypass Project » Document List

The Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada is seeking a special use permit from the National Park Service to facilitate construction of the Boulder City Bypass. If issued, the permit would allow for the relocation of approximately one mile of a transmission line operated by the Colorado River Commission and for the installation of a temporary above-ground waterline from Lake Mead to provide a source of water for construction of the Bypass. The project area is located on either side of U.S. Highway 93 in the vicinity of the Hacienda Hotel and Casino.

Although construction of the Boulder City Bypass was approved in 2005, the project's Environmental Impact Statement did not address the need to relocate a portion of an existing powerline or install a pipeline to provide water. Therefore, an environmental assessment (EA) is being prepared for these activities in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act. The EA will provide a decision-making framework that (1) analyzes all reasonable alternatives to meet the objectives of the proposal, (2) evaluates potential issues and impacts to resources and values, and (3) identifies mitigation measures to lessen the degree or extent of these impacts.

Because public participation is essential to the success of the planning process, the National Park Service encourages you to comment during the 30-day public scoping period. Comments and recommendations regarding the scope of the environmental assessment will be accepted through May 31, 2014.