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Smitholum Subsistence House Log Permit
Wrangell-St. Elias National Park & Preserve » Smitholum Subsistence House Log Permit » Document List
The park's subsistence log policy covers the non-commercial subsistence harvest of house logs in accordance with ANILCA and Title 36 CFR Part 13.485. The park has determined that the applicant meets the requirements for eligility, including:
a) Applicant lives within the park boundary and has demonstrated a customary and traditional use of park resources; and
b) Applicant has explored reasonable alternative sources for logs.
The applicant would harvest live trees on NPS lands near Chisana and skid them to his private property. All harvest and skidding would occur under conditions of adequate snow cover (6") and frozen ground. Access to harvest areas and log skidding would occur over snow utilizing a snowmachine. NPS will delineate specific areas of avoidance for protection of cultural resources and fish habitat.
In compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), NPS is writing an Environmental Assessment (EA) displaying the environmental effects of this proposal. NPS is accepting comments on this proposal to use in developing issues and alternatives to be analyzed in the EA.
Contact Information
Bruce Rogers907-822-7276