Fort Apache Baptist Foundation #1 and Nordin #1 Directionally Drilled Wells

Big Thicket National Preserve » Fort Apache Baptist Foundation #1 and Nordin #1 Directionally Drilled Wells » Document List

The National Park Service (NPS) is reviewing a proposal from Fort Apache Energy, Inc. (Fort Apache) to directionally drill and produce privately held minerals at two surface locations outside Big Thicket National Preserve (Preserve) with bottomhole targets beneath the Preserve. The Baptist Foundation #1 well would be located on a well pad sited on private surface with a well bore approximately 200 feet south of the Turkey Creek Unit, and the Nordin #1 well would be located on a well pad sited on private surface with a well bore approximately 135 feet east of the Turkey Creek Unit in Tyler County. Both bottomholes locations would be approximately 10,000 feet beneath the unit. All infrastructure and access for the wells would be located entirely on private property with no use of Preserve surface.

Contact Information

Stephanie Burgess
Oil and Gas Program Manager
Big Thicket National Preserve
6044 FM 420
Kountze, Texas 77625