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North Cascades Ecosystem Grizzly Bear Restoration Plan/Environmental Impact Statement
North Cascades National Park » North Cascades Ecosystem Grizzly Bear Restoration Plan/Environmental Impact Statement » Document List
Background information regarding the EIS as well as additional information on the comment lottery process that will be used at the October 7th public meeting is now available by clicking on the "Document List" link on the left side of this page and then clicking "NCEG newsletter for Oct 7th public meeting."
***September 11, 2019
The NPS and USFWS are hosting a public meeting on October 7, 2019 at the Okanogan County Fairgrounds. Click on the "Meeting Notices" link for more details.
***July 25, 2019
The comment period for the Draft North Cascades Grizzly Bear Restoration Plan/EIS has been reopened through October 24, 2019.
All comments previously received on the Draft EIS during the public comment period that was open from January 12, 2017 through April 28, 2017 will be considered.
If you would like to view the Draft EIS and provide additional comments, please click on the "Open for Comment" link. Additional background about this comment period can be found by going to the "Document List" section of the website.
***March 13, 2017
Comment Period Extended on Proposed Alternatives for North Cascades Grizzly Restoration
Public comment period open through April 28, 2017
The National Park Service and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will extend the public comment period regarding the proposed alternatives for the restoration of grizzly bears to the North Cascades Ecosystem by 45 days, through April 28, 2017. The agencies received several requests for an extension to the comment period from members of the public and local elected officials.
The goal of the public comment period is to gather comments regarding the draft EIS; public comments received on the draft EIS will be evaluated and considered in the identification of the preferred alternative, which will be published in the Final EIS.
Actions proposed on National Forest System lands under the draft EIS are subject to the USDA Forest Service's pre-decisional objection process. This comment period constitutes the opportunity to establish eligibility to object to the Forest Service's draft decision under the regulations at 36 CFR 218. For more information on this process, visit:
Contact Information
Denise Shultz, National Park Service (360) 854-7302Ann Froschauer, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (360) 753-4370