Ice Age Floods Study of Alternatives and Environmental Assessment

Ice Age Floods National Geologic Trail » Ice Age Floods Study of Alternatives and Environmental Assessment » Document List

This Ice Age Floods Study of Alternatives and Environmental Assessment examined various ways public and private sector entities throughout the northwestern US can work collaboratively to tell the fascinating story of the cataclysmic floods of the region to the American people. The last Ice Age Floods (Floods) occurred some 12,000-17,000 years ago. Today vivid reminders of their impact remain on the landscape of parts of western Montana, the Idaho panhandle, eastern and central Washington and northern Oregon. The powerful story of the Ice Age Floods is an important component of our Nation's natural history and geology, and present a potentially very popular interpretive theme.

This study analyzed four distinct management options: two involving non-federal options and two that would require Congressional designation.

Contact Information

Marsha Davis (206) 220-4262
Cheryl Teague (206) 220-4112