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Yosemite Fire Management Plan Amendment

Yosemite National Park » Yosemite Fire Management Plan Amendment » Document List

Yosemite National Park is seeking input regarding a proposed amendment to its Fire Management Plan to align it with current federal wildland fire policy (the Guidance for Implementation of Federal Wildland Fire Management Policy, February 2009).

Federal wildland fire policy states that "...the full range of strategic and tactical options is available and considered in response to every wildland fire." This policy change made the park's "suppression" and "fire use" zones obsolete. Thus, the park is proposing to amend its fire management plan to allow fire managers to apply the flexibility provided in current federal guidance. The amendment would implement a Community Protection Strategy around the six wildland urban interface communities as well as other important infrastructure development in and adjacent to Yosemite.

Click on the Document List link on the lefthand side of the screen to review and comment on the park's fact sheet and map showing the proposed revision to the park's fire management units. Errata sheets are also provided to demonstrate the changes to the fire management plan/environmental impact statement necessary to align the plan with current policy.

Contact Information

ATTN: Yosemite National Park Fire Management Plan Amendment
P.O. Box 577
Yosemite National Park, CA 95389