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Virgin River Restoration Plan

Lake Mead National Recreation Area » Virgin River Restoration Plan » Document List

The Bureau of Land Management, Las Vegas Field Office is proposing to contract the preparation of a Restoration Plan and Programmatic Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Virgin River in Nevada. The Restoration Plan will provide site priorities and methods for performing restoration of native species and invasive species control along the Virgin River in Nevada. Since the proposed geographic scope of the Restoration Plan extends from the Nevada/Arizona state line to the confluence of Lake Mead, the National Park Service at Lake Mead National Recreation Area would serve as a cooperator in the development of the Plan and EA.

The goals and objectives of the BLM proposal are consistent with the Park's recently completed Exotic Plant Management Plan and associated EA. However, the proposed Plan would provide an additional level of detail for projects in the Virgin River corridor, as it intends to identify specific treatment areas and access routes, as well as hot spots for cultural resources and threatened and endangered species that may require protection or mitigation. An updated vegetation map would also be prepared to reflect habitat changes that have occurred following a severe flood in 2010. Upon completion of the Plan and EA, the Bureau of Land Management and the National Park Service would work together cooperatively toward the ultimate goal of restoring the Virgin River to a native dominated system resilient to future invasion by non-native species.