Niobrara Confluence/ Ponca Bluffs Conservation Area

Missouri National Recreational River » Niobrara Confluence/ Ponca Bluffs Conservation Area » Document List

We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and the National Park Service (NPS), have developed a draft environmental impact statement (EIS) and land protection plan for the proposed Niobrara Confluence and Ponca Bluffs Conservation Areas. These conservation areas would build on existing conservation efforts along the Missouri River in northeast Nebraska and southeast South Dakota. In creating these areas, we would work with willing private landowners, local communities, and other conservation entities to conserve important wildlife habitats, increase quality recreational opportunities, preserve sensitive cultural sites, and maintain sustainable farming and ranching operations in the region.

The FWS and the NPS have completed a draft EIS and land protection plan for the proposed conservation areas. This joint document is now available for public review and comment. The deadline for submitting comments has been extended to September 30, 2013.

Contact Information

Wayne Nelson-Stastny: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (605-660-5349)
Steve Thede: Missouri National Recreational River (605-665-0209)