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Lake Vernon Snow Survey Cabin Maintenance

Yosemite National Park » Lake Vernon Snow Survey Cabin Maintenance » Document List

Preservation work is necessary to maintain the snow survey cabin. All work will comply with the Secretary of the Interior Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties.
The scope of work includes:
- Exclude rodents; cabin will be cleaned and cleared of Hantavirus in accordance with the Yosemite Safety Office's Hantavirus Program Policy and Opening Seasonal Facilities Policy.
- Rehabilitate the roof structure; this includes installing 2 x 6 tongue and groove sheathing on the existing log purlins and reinstalling the corrugated metal.
This is necessary to:
• protect the roof from high snow loads
• create a defendable space from rodents
• retain more heat and use less firewood
- Repair or replace the exterior wall
- Install a rodent proof storage cabinet
- Correct the settling foundation.
- Repair the doors and windows.
- Apply preservative to the exterior logs.