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Establish Wildland Fire Fuel Break at Heritage Point Community

Fort Raleigh National Historic Site » Establish Wildland Fire Fuel Break at Heritage Point Community » Document List

In 2001, the Outer Banks Group Fire Management Plan was approved. As part of this plan the Group launched a wildland fire fuel break program to reduce the chances of wildfire traveling between park lands and surrounding communities and to protect selected park facilities. In this plan, fuel breaks were proposed along sections of the group boundary with villages and communities adjacent to the parks.

The purpose of the Heritage Point Fuel Break project is to cut a fuel break on Roanoke Island in order to create defensible space for wildland fire suppression along the boundary of Fort Raleigh National Historical Park and private property of the Heritage Point Subdivision. This fuel break will be approximately 50 feet wide, with all standing vegetation under six inches diameter at breast height (DBH) cut down and masticated on site. All vegetation will be cut to within two inches of the ground surface, including stumps. Where vegetation greater than six inches DBH prohibits the movement of fire equipment, that vegetation will also be cut down and where possible masticated on site. Where ladder fuels extend into the canopy of trees greater than six inches DBH, all branches and ladder fuels below eight feet above ground level will be removed. All heavy dead and down within the break will either be masticated or bucked up and scattered throughout untreated adjacent areas. All chips will be spread evenly with no chip piles established. Low ground pressure vehicles must be used in all areas. Mastication equipment will make one pass out and one pass back through the fuel break. The mastication equipment will be resupplied and refueled utilizing low ground pressure UTV's. Primary fuels within the break range from heavy mixed pine/hardwood forest with dense southern rough understory on the east side to open marsh grass on the west side. This fuel break is approximately 1.2 miles long and comprises about 8 acres.

Contact Information

Jon Anglin
252-473-2111, ext. 138