Bartlett River Salmon Escapement Monitoring

Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve » Bartlett River Salmon Escapement Monitoring » Document List

The Bartlett River is a popular recreational fishing destination in Glacier Bay National Park. Creel surveys during 1996-98 indicated 400-800 coho salmon were harvested annually. Angler counts since 2005 indicate a two-fold increase in angling effort over the past decade compared with effort in the late 1990s.. Harvest of sockeye and coho salmon have likely doubled and angling pressure is anticipated to increase at an even greater rate as weekly ferry service to Gustavus begins in 2010. New charter halibut fishery regulations may redirect fishing effort to the park's freshwater streams. The ability of the Bartlett River sockeye and coho populations to sustain this increasing level of harvest is unknown.

The NPS has been studying Bartlett River salmon for several years attempting to estimate salmon escapement, but turbid water quality and poor visibility make visual fish counts very difficult.

An Environmental Assessment analyzing potential effects from a DIDSON sonar installation on the Bartlett River within designated wilderness is now available for public review and comment. All comments must be postmarked by May 6, 2011.

Contact Information

Allison Banks
Environmental Protection Specialist
Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve
PO Box 140
Gustavus, AK 99826
907-697-2654 (fax)