Remove Asphalt Curbing Wheeler Peak Campground

Great Basin National Park » Remove Asphalt Curbing Wheeler Peak Campground » Document List

Great Basin National Park is proposing to remove all of the raised asphalt curbing and re-contour the shoulders of the roadway in Wheeler Peak Campground. The curbing will be taken down starting from the entrance of the campground, through the Bristlecone Trailhead Parking Area and continue through all the campground loops. Temperature changes and maintenance activities over the years has caused the asphalt curbing to become brittle and cracked and to lose chunks of asphalt off the curbing which has become a tripping hazard for park visitors and employees. Furthermore, precipitation and run-off have been unnaturally diverted and concentrated on the road shoulders leading to erosion problems.

The proposed project is slated to start June 1, 2011 and continue until all the asphalt curbing is removed and the roadway shoulders are re-contoured. Park visitors and employees may experience a temporary increase in noise in the campground, parking area, and trails during working hours while the machinery is operational, as well as minor detours and intermittent traffic control delays. No work is to be performed during weekends and holidays.

The desired outcome of this project is to reduce tripping hazards for park visitors and employees, restore the natural run-off on the roadway, and to minimize damage to the asphalt roadway while conducting future snow plow activities.

Contact Information

Elizabeth Cristobal, 775-234-7331 x264