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Kalaupapa NHP Fire Management Plan

Kalaupapa National Historical Park » Kalaupapa NHP Fire Management Plan » Document List

This Environmental Assessment (EA) evaluates a Fire Management Plan (FMP) for Kalaupapa National Historical Park on the island of Moloka'i within the State of Hawai'i. Kalaupapa National Historical Park was established in 1980 following the initiative of the Kalaupapa community to preserve the history of Hansen's disease on the Kalaupapa Peninsula and allow the current patient residents to live out their lives in their homes. In a bill signed by President Jimmy Carter (Public Law 96-565) Congress outlined the principal purpose of Kalaupapa National Historical Park: "to preserve and interpret the Kalaupapa settlement for the education and inspiration of present and future generations."

All Parks of the National Park Service (NPS) with burnable vegetation are required to have a FMP that is consistent with federal law and the NPS 2006 Management Policies. The FMP for Kalaupapa National Historical Park will direct a fire management program that responds to the Park's natural and cultural resource objectives and addresses the health and safety of Park residents, staff and visitors. Two alternative fire management strategies are examined in this FMP EA: Alternative A – Current Fire Management Strategy, and Alternative B – Increased Protection Strategy. Alternative A is the No Action alternative required in all National Environmental Policy Act assessments. Alternative B of the FMP assesses the effect of enhancing the fire-break around the settlement of Kalaupapa and utilizing strategically arranged areas of fuel-reduction to reduce fire-hazard across the Peninsula and within the settlement.

Based on the comments received from the public on this FMP EA, the NPS will either issue a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) or continue the assessment process by preparing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). If reviewers do not identify significant environmental impacts, this EA will form the basis of a FONSI for NPS Pacific West Regional Director approval. The completed FMP would constitute a guiding document to which additional compliance documents would be tiered to achieve full compliance on individual projects. For instance, prescribed burns, pile burning, broadcast burns, and other treatments would need additional EAs or Categorical Exclusions before implementation.

The printed document can be viewed at several public libraries (Hawaii State Library, and the Kahului, Lanai, Molokai, Wailuku Public Libraries) and limited copies are available on request. Comments on the document can be sent directly to the Park through this (PEPC) website by selecting the FMP EA from the list of Documents Open for Public Comment. Comments may also be mailed to the Park Superintendent: Stephen Prokop, Kalaupapa NHP, P.O. Box 2222, Kalaupapa, HI 96742. For further information on the FMP EA, please call the Park at 808-567 6802 ext. 1103.

Contact Information

Paul Hosten, Ph.D.
Terrestrial Ecologist
Kalaupapa NHP
P.O. Box 2222 (7 Puahi Str. for deliveries)
Kalaupapa, HI 96742
(808) 567 6802 ext. 1501
FAX (808) 567 6682