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Crane Flat Campground - Install Peizometers at Loops A and B Failed Septic Systems

Yosemite National Park » Crane Flat Campground - Install Peizometers at Loops A and B Failed Septic Systems » Document List

Install piezometers for groundwater monitoring and excavate test pits for soil sampling at (or adjacent to) the existing failed leach fields within the limits of the Crane Flat Campground.
Piezometers would be installed in holes six to eight inches in diameter and twelve feet deep. Any excess soil materials would be uniformly spread next to the holes. Test pits would be dug approximately two feet wide by four feet deep by six to eight feet long. The pits would be backfilled immediately after the testing and sampling are complete.
Equipment used to excavate the pits or drill holes would be thoroughly cleaned and inspected prior to entry into the park to assure that non-native plant species are not introduced into the area. The proposed sites are within areas that were previously disturbed when the campground was originally built. These sites have been continuously disturbed during the summer months since the 1960s.
Groundwater levels would be monitored by park staff throughout the winter of 2009-2010 in preparation for replacing the failed septic systems during the summer of 2010. One additional exploratory pit may be excavated inside each of the existing leach fields to evaluate the condition of the soils and to determine how their performance characteristics have changed over time.