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Tachyon Satellite Installation Phase 3

Yosemite National Park » Tachyon Satellite Installation Phase 3 » Document List

The Tachyon Satellite Equipment Installation Project is to provide a Local Area Network/Wide Area Network (LAN/WAN) connection to various operational teams in areas where traditional high speed data connectivity does not exist. There are two locations in this third phase.
Each site will require the installation of a free standing pole (5' to 6') to mount a 1.2 meter (approximately 47.24") dish antenna. Antenna placement will be in the least obvious location at each site while still providing adequate communication with the satellite to deliver high speed data connectivity. Placement of the dish must allow visibility to the satellite located 168 degrees magnetic and 42 degrees in elevation. Placement of the dish at each site was made to limit tree trimming or removal as well as minimizing intrusion into the areas around the buildings and landscapes. The attached documents provide a map of each site, a brief description of each installation and photo of the proposed antenna installation. The park Archeologist provided verbal confirmation that the information provided was adequate for their needs. Initial site surveys were done July 22, 2008, with the Tachyon installer who provided locations for the satellite installations. At the request of the park Historical Architect, a revisit of these two sites was accomplished on June 19, 2009, with the Tachyon installer. Tachyon engineers provided input into painting and color selection for best operational results.

Tioga Pass Entrance Station: The satellite dish will be mounted on a 5' pole approximately one foot behind the center of the Entrance Station Office building #3200. This location will provide good visibility to the satellite. The 3" pole will be self supporting in concrete approximately 1' in diameter and 3' below ground. This dish and pole will be painted Wosky brown by the installer. The closeness of the dish to the building will minimize its visibility to the public.

Tuolumne Camp Ground Office: The satellite dish will be mounted on a 5' pole within 5' of the camp ground office. The 3" pole will be self supporting in concrete approximately 1' in diameter and 3' below ground. An 18" deep, 12" wide trench that is approximately 5' long will be required to install conduit containing coaxial cable from dish to the camp ground office building #3005. The Tachyon installer proposed a location which is just inside the south east corner of the building. Installation at the Tuolumne Meadows campground location will require the removal of a small lodgepole pine and the trimming of a few lower branches of a larger lodgepole pine. The park Historic Architect concurs with the Tachyon installer for the preferred location. The dish and pole will be painted Wosky brown at this site.