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2012 Nisqually to Paradise Road Rehabilitation Project
Mount Rainier National Park » 2012 Nisqually to Paradise Road Rehabilitation Project » Document List
Chris Lehnertz, Pacific West Region Director, National Park Service, issued a decision and a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the Nisqually to Paradise Road Rehabilitation Environmental Assessment (EA) on December 3, 2012. Lehnertz's decision permits the rehabilitation of 17.6 miles of road between the Nisqually Entrance and the developed area at Paradise in Mount Rainier National Park. Rehabilitation of pavement on Ricksecker Point Loop Road and Paradise Valley Road, and the installation of in-road buried conduits and junction vaults that will allow electrical power and telecommunication upgrades are included.
The project is needed to address deteriorating road conditions that are due to many factors including abundant precipitation, structural and design deficiencies, large traffic volumes, and normal wear. The road work is designed to protect adjacent natural and cultural resources, will replace culverts to improve aquatic conditions and will preserve the character of the National Historic Landmark District.
The Nisqually to Paradise Road Rehabilitation Project will be completed in two Phases, each taking two years beginning in 2014. Phase 1 will complete the segment beginning at the Nisqually entrance and ending at Longmire, and include Ricksecker and Valley Road repairs. Phase 2 will begin in 2016 at Longmire and end at Paradise in 2017.
Contact Information
Karen Thompson, Environmental Coordinator 360-569-6508Saylor Moss, Historical Landscape Architect, POC 360-569-6746