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Canal Pride Days 2009

Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park » Canal Pride Days 2009 » Document List

The National Park Service, Chesapeake and Ohio Canal NHP, will host "Canal Pride Days" in April and May, 2009. Canal Pride was started in 2008 as an organized volunteer program, offering selected projects to help maintain the park. This year's project list includes general maintenance activities, such as litter removal, mulching existing mulched areas, painting of historic structures, flagpole replacement, and vegetation removal to restore historic viewsheds.

Two additional projects,previously evaluated through compliance, will be undertaken during Canal Pride Days. They are Lock 6 Feeder Lock Trail Improvements (PEPC No. 23947) and Stone Steps - Lock 25 (PEPC No. 23205).

The park's Interdisciplinary Team reviewed the project for impacts to natural and cultural resources. The project does not pose any serious or long-term effects to the environmental, historical, cultural, archeological, or visual resources. It meets categorical exclusion #C.4 – Routine maintenance and repairs to cultural resources sites, structures, utilities, and grounds if the action falls under an approved Historic Structures Preservation Guide or Cyclic Maintenance Guide, or if the action would not adversely affect the cultural resource.

The project also meets the National Historic Preservation Act/Section 106 Programmatic Agreement, Streamlined Review Process #1 – Preservation Maintenance and Repair of Historic Properties, and #5 – Routine Grounds Maintenance.

Contact Information

For further information regarding this project, please contact the Volunteer Coordinator at 1850 Dual Highway, Suite 100, Hagerstown, MD 21740.