PEPC and Parkplanning will have an outage from 5 PM to 10 PM MT on July 19th due to network maintenance. Please plan and save your work accordingly.

Glacier Point Area Well Drilling

Yosemite National Park » Glacier Point Area Well Drilling » Document List

This project would replace the existing surface water supply for the Glacier Point developed area with a new well. The existing Glacier Point water system provides approximately 9,000 gallons per day. The current surface water collection system draws water from two surface water collection systems. Pothole Meadow and Union Point are subject to seasonal fluctuations in the water supply. Pending discovery of an adequate water supply (at least three gallons a minute) at the new well site the existing nine foot by six foot water treatment chlorination and filtration building will be replaced with a new ten foot by 18 foot water treatment building containing chlorination equipment and a backup generator. The existing 300,000 gallon, 48 foot diameter water storage tank will remain in use.
The target location of the new well will be located on a former alignment of the Glacier Point Road near the Sentinel Dome Road. An architectural screen wall with a footprint of approximately 90 square feet and will serve to protect the well site. Water and electric lines will be installed to the new well site. These new lines will be buried and placed within previously disturbed utility and road alignments. Total length of the new electric line will be 3,330 feet. A new water line will be within the same utility corridor for 1,120 feet. All trenching will involve removing topsoil by hand and returning the topsoil to its original location to preserve the native seed bank. No construction will take place in designated wilderness.
All work will be performed by park staff, local, county, state and federal regulations. Any private contractors will be properly licensed for the work they will perform.