Expand Existing HAFE Transit Maintenance Facility

Harpers Ferry National Historical Park » Expand Existing HAFE Transit Maintenance Facility » Document List

The National Park Service (NPS) is proposing to improve and expand the existing transit maintenance facility located within Harpers Ferry National Historical Park at Cavalier Heights. The existing facility provides shelter and maintenance for six passenger buses and includes a single office and storage area for the bus mechanic. The bus fleet provides public transportation from the park's visitor center to other areas throughout the park. As park attendance has continued to increase so has use of the bus transit system and the number of buses needed. The transit maintenance facility was constructed in 1992 and is generally in poor condition and does not meet current industry safety standards and building codes or the park's existing and future transit maintenance needs.

The NPS is preparing an environmental assessment on the potential impacts of the proposed project. We are currently in the scoping phase of this project and are seeking public input on the proposal. For additional information and the opportunity to comment on this project, please use the navigation tabs on the left.

Contact Information

Harpers Ferry National Historical Park
485 Fillmore Street
PO Box 65
Harpers Ferry, WV 25425
Peter Dessauer