ARRA - Rehabilitate 14 Historic Structures in Cabin Camp 4 (Camp Pleasant)

Prince William Forest Park » ARRA - Rehabilitate 14 Historic Structures in Cabin Camp 4 (Camp Pleasant) » Document List

Prince William Forest Park, a unit of The National Park Service (NPS), in order to the preserve historic structures and improve the visitor experience, proposes to perform general maintenance on 13 historic cabin camp buildings and upgrade historic Staff Quarters Building #85 at Cabin Camp 4 (see Figure 1). These cabins were constructed in the 1930s by the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) and are included in the Camp Pleasant Historic District (referred to as Cabin Camp 4 from this point forward) on the National Register.

This environmental assessment (EA) analyzes the impacts that would result from the implementation of the No Action alternative (Alternative A) and the action alternative (Alternative B). The action alternative proposes to complete rehabilitation work on the roof systems fourteen buildings in Cabin Camp 4 and, as needed, replace exterior siding, sill beams, windows, doors, and porches that have been damaged by insect infestation and water infiltration. Plumbing and electrical systems would also be updated as needed to comply with the most current building code regulations. In addition, a small kitchenette would be installed in Building # 85 in order to make it available to park seasonal staff as seasonal housing. The No Action alternative would not change the current management of Cabin Camp 4. Continual maintenance on the structures would continue as needed to keep them safe for visitor use.

Contact Information

If you wish to provide comment on this project you may do so through the NPS Planning, Environment, and Public Comment (PEPC) website, or by sending your comments via email to the park Superintendent at