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Leelanau Scenic Heritage Route Trailway Plan/EA

Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore » Leelanau Scenic Heritage Route Trailway Plan/EA » Document List

The Northwest Michigan Council of Governments announces the availability of the Leelanau Scenic Heritage Route Trailway Plan and Environmental Assessment beginning on March 5, 2009. This document describes and analyzes alternative locations for a non-motorized trailway along highways M-22 and M-109 in Leelanau County. The proposed trailway would begin at Manning Road on the Leelanau-Benzie County line and end at County Road 651 at the north end of Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore. The trailway would be entirely on public lands in the National Lakeshore or on county road or state highway rights-of-way.

The Plan/EA was previously on public review from October 1-31, 2008. Based on public comment, segments 1, 2, and 9 in the preferred alternative (Alternative B) were revised and are available for public review and comment in this document.

The Northwest Michigan Council of Governments encourages you to comment on the Trailway Plan/EA until the comment period closes on April 4, 2009. The document may be reviewed on the Northwest Michigan Council of Governments website at www.nwm.org/lshr.asp and the National Lakeshore's website at www.nps.gov/slbe. Paper copies are available for review at the National Lakeshore Visitor Center in Empire; the township offices of Empire, Glen Arbor, Cleveland, and Centerville Townships; the Village of Empire Office, the Glen Lake Community Library (Empire), the Leland Township Library, and the Leelanau County Planning and Community Development Department. Comments may be mailed to the Northwest Michigan Council of Governments by email to Patty O'Donnell (pattyodonnell@nwm.cog.mi.us) or by mail (Patty O'Donnell, Northwest Michigan Council of Governments, P.O. Box 506, Traverse City, MI 49685-0506). Comments may also be sent to the National Lakeshore (Superintendent, Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, 9922 Front Street, Empire, MI 49630), or sent electronically through this Planning, Environment and Public Comment program.

Contact Information

Patty O'Donnell, NWMCOG, (231) 929-5039
Barbara Nelson-Jameson, National Park Service-Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance Program, (231) 334-3130
Michael Duwe, National Lakeshore, (231) 326-5134, x 113