Relocate Island in the Sky visitor center utilities

Canyonlands National Park » Relocate Island in the Sky visitor center utilities » Document List

The existing Island in the Sky visitor center phone line and power line need to be moved to a temporary location, in order to be out of the way and in use when actual work begins on the expanded visitor center. The current fire hydrant is located within 15 feet of the existing Visitor Center, an unacceptable location due to the risk of having fire fighting personnel this close to the structure if it was burning. The fire hydrant needs to be located a safe distance from the structure that it is to protect. A temporary water line also needs to be installed to the VC in preparation for future construction.

Description of proposed work:

Phone line: The phone company will dig down to the existing service near the existing building and then connect a new temporary line which will be run on the surface, and be connected into the existing VC under the back stairs and into the basement. Once phase one of the construction has been completed this line will be permanently buried and enter into the new building at the IT room. The main impact to the park will be approximately a half day that the VC and Maintenance shop does not have phone or internet service. The residences will still be at full operation.

Power line: NPS crews will uncover the existing line near the visitor center. The line will then be disconnected from the meter base by Rocky Mountain Power. The line will then be re-buried for an approximate distance of 15', and placed in a conduit attached to the side of the building. Rocky Mountain Power will then re-connect the line to the existing meter base. The main impact to the Park will be approximately a half day that the VC does not have power. Phone service will still be operational.

Fire hydrant and water line: Via digging NPS crews will locate the existing water service near the visitor center. They will then cut the line and install a new temporary line to the VC. They will remove the old fire hydrant, the hose box, and the meter. Via digging NPS crews will locate the existing water service near the staff parking entrance. They will then cut the line and add an extension for the service line to the new fire hydrant location. They will install a new fire hydrant and hose box. The main impact to the park will be loss of water at the VC for approximately a half day.

Contact Information

Dave Wood 435-719-2133