Horseshoe Canyon Trail Repair

Canyonlands National Park » Horseshoe Canyon Trail Repair » Document List

A pour-off located above a switchback on the Horseshoe Canyon trail drains directly onto the tread surface and is causing the switchback to erode at an accelerated rate. Inadequate maintenance and usage has led to a deterioration of performance. The switchback is sloughing off into the drainage, causing visitors, especially horses, to travel away from the edge, and resulting in unnecessary vegetation and soil loss.

Located above the switchback is a rock face which the trail leads onto. This section is also becoming more difficult to navigate due to the erosion problems. Armoring this segment will prevent further resource damage and provide a safer passage through this area.

Existing material that has fallen onto the trail tread will be used in the repair. The stone is located above the site and will be lowered by hand or griphoist to the problem section. Three large soil retention structures (4 feet by 6 feet)will be assembled to accommodate stock travel, and a small outside retaining wall will be constructed to prevent further sloughing and resource impacts. An attempt to redirect storm runoff above this section may help in reducing erosion concerns below. To do this, a small outcrop of rock will need to be removed approximately 2 feet wide by 4 feet long. Rock bars may be able to work loose the material; if not a device known as a "boulder buster" may be used for the removal.

Contact Information

Dave Wood 435-719-2133