Subsistence Cabin Construciton in Noatak National Preserve

Western Arctic National Parklands » Subsistence Cabin Construciton in Noatak National Preserve » Document List

Noatak National Preserve (NOAT) is considering a permit application for constructing one cabin for subsistence activities within NOAT. The applicant is a local rural resident and qualified NOAT subsistence user from Noatak, Alaska. The requested cabin would be located on an island near the confluence of the Noatak and Kuguroruk Rivers. The cabin site is located above mean high water mark. The channel behind the island carries water when the river is in flood but is typically dry. The island is covered with willow, alder, and spruce.
The applicant identifies the following reasons for needing a cabin at the fishing site:

The river current at his existing cabin, which is located on private land, is too fast for using a net so he's been using a fish camp 2.6 miles downstream from his cabin. He is now requesting a cabin to support his subsistence gill net fishing activities.

Bears are destroying his harvest at the fish camp. A cabin would afford him personal protection and would allow him to better protect his harvest.

It is challenging to camp and work in cold rain and wet snow. A cabin would provide more comfortable living and working conditions.

Slime on the rocks makes it difficult to travel back and forth between his cabin (located on private land) and the fish camp. A cabin at the fish camp would allow him to more comfortably remain at his fishing location during the fishing seasons.

Contact Information

George Helfrich
Western Arctic National Parklands
PO Box 1029
Kotzebue, AK 99752