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Yosemite Valley Visitor Center Kiosk Installation

Yosemite National Park » Yosemite Valley Visitor Center Kiosk Installation » Document List

This project will have two phases. The removal of the three panel kiosk to the left of the Visitor Center (VC) entrance and the installation of a new kiosk to the right of the VC entrance. The new kiosk panels will include advertisements for Spirit of Yosemite, for Changing Yosemite (self-guided trail booklet), and for visitor activities in the park including the evening program topic and a map of the village area. There will be a brochure box and money receptacle which will be maintained by Yosemite Association as they are responsible for distribution of the Changing Yosemite booklet. The new location will have two post holes dug into the ground to secure the kiosk. The kiosk will be constructed of cedar with an asphalt-shingled roof.
The cultural group reviewed this project and found no significant impacts to underground resources as a result of installation. As this is a kiosk replacement (it will replace the kiosk to the left of the front entrance to the visitor center) and there is no net gain of kiosks on the landscape, there was not an issue with the location or construction of a kiosk at the proposed location. The cultural group did ask for further consultation with David Humphrey, Branch Chief of History, Architecture, and Landscapes to determine how design standards for outdoor kiosks in Yosemite Valley would be determined.
The project manager and the subject matter experts both agreed on the guidelines outlined in A Sense of Place: Design Guidelines for Yosemite Valley, Chapter 3 titled Unifying Elements & Guidelines, pg. 73-75 should apply to small informational bulletin boards and kiosks in the Valley. These guidelines state: Small buildings include... ...comfort stations, shower houses, kiosks, storage sheds, and miscellaneous shelters... and guidelines described that are relevant to kiosks:
-...small buildings should minimize visual intrusion and blend with the natural setting."
-...make use of the rustic elements of the classic National Park Service design. These include a standard plan, a gable roof, the use of exposed wood framing and siding, and natural colors.
-small buildings are unifying elements throughout the Valley by virtue of their modest scale, standard color, and consistent rustic design.
-roof forms are typically gable, with a medium pitch of at least 5-in-12, with overhangs that shed snow and water. Roof framing should be slightly oversized with exposed rafters.
-An opaque stain should be used for all wood elements including siding and exposed framing members.
-A dark brown to match NPS Woski brown is most appropriate.