Vietnam Veterans Memorial Center

National Mall and Memorial Parks » Vietnam Veterans Memorial Center » Document List

The National Park Service (NPS), in cooperation with the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund (Fund), proposes to permit construction of the congressionally authorized Vietnam Veterans Memorial Center (Center) when the design has been approved and adequate funds area available to complete construction. The Center will be located in the northwestern corner of the National Mall, near the Vietnam Veterans Memorial at the site that was approved in 2006.

Conceptual designs were considered in 2009, and since then the NPS and the Fund have been engaged in a public, historic preservation consultation process and have evaluated the environmental impacts of the proposed project in an Environmental Assessment (2012). A Finding of No Significant Impact was completed on June 25, 2012. Current plans would have the design being formally approved in July 2012, and that final approval could occur in Fall-Winter 2012. See "Document List" for more information about this project, and NPS will continue to provide updates via this website.

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