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Development, Construction and Operation of a Cultural Education Center
Kaloko-Honokōhau National Historical Park » Development, Construction and Operation of a Cultural Education Center » Document List
The EA evaluates three alternatives: Alternative 1 (no-action), ongoing management and interpretive programs would continue with no construction of a Cultural Center; Alternative 2 (the National Park Service preferred alternative), construction and operation of the Cultural Center at a previously disturbed area south of Kaloko Fishpond; and Alternative 3, construction and operation of the Cultural Center at the Kaloko Fishpond Parking Area. This EA describes the creation of the Cultural Center along with proposed activities and land use at the various sites and analyzes the potential environmental effects of the construction and operation of the Cultural Center.
The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969, as amended, calls on federal agencies to consider environmental issues as part of their decision making process and to involve interested parties in the process. The NEPA process was initiated in January of 2010 with a public scoping letter soliciting issues and concerns on preliminary alternatives. Responses to these scoping efforts were used during preparation of the EA.
The NPS encourages public participation through the NEPA process. After the public review period, the comments received will be carefully considered before a decision is made regarding Kaloko-Honokohau Cultural Center.
Contact Information
Dr. Jeff Zimpfer, Environmental Protection SpecialistKaloko-Honokohau National Historical Park
(808) 329-6881 ex 1500