Proposed Offshore Submerged Channel Intake for WSSC Potomac Water Plant

Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park » Proposed Offshore Submerged Channel Intake for WSSC Potomac Water Plant » Document List

The Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC) proposes to upgrade their existing water intake at the Potomac Water Filtration Plant, Potomac, Maryland.

Proposed upgrades will involve the construction of an in-channel intake structure. The current Potomac River raw water intake structure is adversely impacted by its location along the Potomac River shoreline. During local storm events, sediments in runoff from local tributary inflows - particularly from nearby Watts Branch - cause the source water quality to change dramatically and affect the water treatment plant operation. Water quality is cleaner and more stable in the middle of the Potomac River than at the intake along the shoreline during local storm events. The submerged intake would draw higher quality water from the middle of the river during these times. The existing intake building on the shoreline will remain in place as a backup facility. The proposed intake structure would be submerged within the Potomac River, approximately 500 feet from the Maryland shoreline.

This proposed project will need to cross federal lands administered by the National Park Service (NPS), Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park. The NPS has required WSSC to undertake project evaluation through the NPS's National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) guidelines. The project will be evaluated through an environmental assessment to determine impacts to resources.

Contact Information

Simon Baidoo, Project Manager,
Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission,
14501 Sweitzer Lane
Laurel, Maryland 20707.