Wilderness Stewardship Plan/Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement

Isle Royale National Park » Wilderness Stewardship Plan/Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement » Document List

Dear Friends of Isle Royale National Park:

The National Park Service is completing a Wilderness Stewardship Plan and Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement. The WSP/SEIS updates the Wilderness and Backcountry Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement (WBMP) that has been in progress for a number of years.

The WSP/EIS is being completed in coordination with the Cultural Resources Management Plan/Environmental Assessment. A newsletter explaining the plans and the schedule for completion is now available. To view the newsletter, click on Document List on the left hand menu and then 2018 Wilderness Stewardship Plan Newsletter.

Contact Information

For questions or more information about this document, contact the Superintendent, Isle Royale National Park, 906-482-0984.