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2025 Sitka National Historical Park Superintendent's Compendium

Sitka National Historical Park » 2025 Sitka National Historical Park Superintendent's Compendium » Document List

The Superintendent's Compendium is the summary of park specific rules implemented under the discretionary authority of the park Superintendent. The park compendium is updated annually and is a written compilation that addressed designations, closures, permit requirements, and other restrictions and/or specifications imposed under the discretionary authority of the superintendent.

It is prepared in accordance with the delegated authority contained within the regulations in Title 36, Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter I, Parts 1 through 7, as authorized by Title 54, United States Code, Section 100101 and 100751, and establishes regulatory provisions for Klondike Gold Rush National Historic Park. Parts 1 through 6 are general regulations applicable to all areas of the National Park System, and Part 13 contains special regulations specific to individual parks in Alaska.

The park compendium does not contain those regulations found in 36 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) and other United States Codes (U.S.C.) and CFR Titles which are enforced without further elaboration at the park level. The compendium can currently be reviewed through the park's website.

Two compendium changes are proposed by the park. The first includes adding one additional criterion for Activities that Require a Permit at the park, specifically for operation of Commercial Passenger-Carrying Motor Vehicles. The second adds new language that governs Commercial Operations as related to Commercial Passenger-Carrying Motor Vehicles at the park.

Contact Information

Zach Jones