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Removal of Non-Contributing House - Lee
Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania National Military Park » Removal of Non-Contributing House - Lee » Document List
The Lee House was built ca1950 and is a one- story house (with cinder block foundation), a small wooden deck off of the back side of the house. It is covered in vinyl siding. It sits on 0.89 acres and is 916 square feet in size.
Additionally, the park proposes to remove five additional ancillary structures on the property: two sheds, a chicken coop, a pole shed, and a rabbit house.
The National Park Service originally acquired the property in 2002 as a life-estate. The park recently came into physical possession of the property.
As aca1940 residential building of little significance, it is the park's opinion that the Lee House is not contributing to the park's, or the battlefield's, national significance.
Per the park's current General Management Plan, "non-historic structures will be removed from the historic scene as they are acquired." The park now proposes to raze the building. Work will consist of the demolition and complete removal of debris from the structure. It will also include the breaking down of foundation walls to a level two (2) feet below ground level and removing this debris. This work also consists of the removal of the wood deck and foundation located on the site. This project also consists of the work required to restore the disturbed areas to grass and follow the natural contours of the land. It covers filling, compacting, grading, spreading topsoil, applying lime, fertilizer, grass seed, mulch, and additional plantings as determined. The long-term plan for the property is to allow nature to take its course and reclaim the land as part of the surrounding woods.
Contact Information
Eric Mink540-6276079