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Site Plan for the King Family Home (234 Sunset Ave.)

Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historical Park » Site Plan for the King Family Home (234 Sunset Ave.) » Document List

The National Park Service (NPS) has begun the planning process for a project to develop a site plan for the King Family Home as part of the Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historical Park (the park).

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., a leader of the modern American Civil Rights Movement, is known for his work on equal rights and for his philosophy of nonviolent social change. In 1964, Dr. King won the Nobel Peace Prize and became the second African American to hold this honor. The park commemorates King's lifetime achievements and preserves and interprets several locations important to his life and legacy.

In 2018, the NPS acquired the King Family Home property located at 234 Sunset Avenue in the historic Vine City neighborhood of Atlanta. Purchased by Dr. King and Coretta Scott King in October 1964, the home is where Dr. King lived with his family and continued his work in social justice as part of the expanding Civil Rights Movement until his tragic assassination in 1968. It was here that Mrs. King continued his legacy and established the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Center known today as the King Center.

Since acquiring the home, the NPS has worked to stabilize the aging home to protect the structure and important historic features. Along with the home, the NPS has acquired a large collection of original furnishings and items that the King family used while living in the home. Now, the NPS seeks to develop a plan to restore and rehabilitate the home in a manner that protects the historic fabric and character while allowing the public to visit the home and learn of the life and legacy of Dr. King and his family while they lived there.

Contact Information

Ash Phillips