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Great Falls (MD) Development Concept Plan

Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park » Great Falls (MD) Development Concept Plan » Document List

Great Falls (MD) is an incredible place that draws people to visit and experience it time and time again. The NPS wants to ensure that people and the amazing nature and history they come to see are well cared for. A thoughtful planning process will help us facilitate safe and enjoyable experiences for generations to come.
This plan will explore management strategies that create a healthy balance for visitors to enjoy the beauty of the park and for the natural environment to thrive. Through this planning process, we hope to:

1. Identify management strategies that promote the long-term stewardship of park resources;
2. Continue to offer visitors safe access to high-quality national park experiences;
3. Provide an appropriate range of park facilities and services; and
4. Proactively engage key park partners, stakeholders, and the public.

The planning area located in Montgomery County, Maryland, is bounded by the Anglers Parking Area to the south, MacArthur Boulevard to the east, the Potomac River to the west, and Swains Lock (Lock 21) to the north. These lands are administered by the National Park Service (NPS) via Chesapeake & Ohio Canal National Historical Park, with a portion of the lands co-owned by the NPS and The Nature Conservancy. Park lands along the southern shore of the Potomac River located in Great Falls, Virginia, are administered by George Washington Memorial Parkway and not included in this effort.

The NPS has developed management strategies that address the following key issues and opportunities within the planning area.

- Visitor Experience
- Resource Management
- Safety
- Parking and Traffic
- Use of Historic Structures
- Accessibility

Contact Information

Attn: Great Falls Development Concept Plan
National Park Service
Chesapeake & Ohio Canal National Historical Park
142 West Potomac Street
Williamsport, MD 21795