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Fort Vancouver NHS GMP/EIS

Fort Vancouver National Historic Site » Fort Vancouver NHS GMP/EIS » Document List

October 2008

Dear Friends of Fort Vancouver National Historic Site:

It is with great pleasure that we submit to you the final General Management Plan for Fort Vancouver National Historic Site. This plan is a vision for the next 15 - 20 years that will guide our management and protection of the National Historic Site. Many of you commented on the draft General Management Plan (GMP) several years ago and your comments helped shape the final GMP which went out in an abbreviated (strike-out and underlined) format. In June 2004, the Record of Decision on the GMP was signed by the NPS Regional Director.

This document - the final General Management Plan for Fort Vancouver National Historic Site, along with the McLoughlin House Unit Management Plan - becomes the lead planning document for the park. As many of you may recall, the McLoughlin House, which is located in Oregon City, Oregon, was added to Fort Vancouver National Historic Site in 2003 through Public Law 108-63. Although not adjacent to the National Historic Site, it is now part of Fort Vancouver National Historic Site. The McLoughlin House Unit Management Plan was completed in June 2007 when the Finding of No Significant Impact was signed by the NPS Regional Director.

Also included in this document is a small section on the Land Bridge and Interpretive Trail project. This project implements an action of the GMP recreating a physical link between the historic fort site and the Columbia River. The Land Bridge was designed by Native American architect Johnpaul Jones in collaboration with internationally renowned artist Maya Lin. We are very proud of the partnership created to implement this nationally recognized project, and therefore have added it to this document.

Since approval of the GMP in 2004 we have implemented many of the actions called for in the final GMP. I have already mentioned the design and implementation of the Land Bridge and the acquisition of the McLoughlin House. In addition the following actions have occurred:
• The Counting House has been reconstructed.
• Due to decommissioning by the Army, the East and South Vancouver Barracks, which is already within the authorized boundary of the park, will transfer to the NPS in the near future.
• One village house has been reconstructed in the Village and another is in the process of being built. We plan for additional reconstructions in the coming years as funding and staffing become available.
• The new Orchard is in place and is flourishing.
• Trails, based on historic trails, are now in place inside and outside the fort, making it accessible.

The planning process for the GMP began in 1999 and much has been accomplished since that year. I've highlighted just some of the projects that have been accomplished. We look forward to future projects as we continue to implement the vision from the 2004 General Management Plan for Fort Vancouver National Historic Site and the 2007 McLoughlin House Unit Management Plan. We also look forward to continuing to work with our partners, volunteers, and many of you in helping us to shape the future of Fort Vancouver National Historic Site, which serves our community, our region and our nation.

I hope you have the opportunity to visit Fort Vancouver and see first hand what s happening! Come spend time in your national park. I think you'll have a great time!

Tracy A. Fortmann

Contact Information

For copies of this document, contact the Administrative Administrative at Fort Vancouver Natinal Historic Site, 612 East Reserve Street, Vancouver, Washington 98661, or by phone at (360) 816-6212.