Zion Canyon South Entrance Redesign

Zion National Park » Zion Canyon South Entrance Redesign » Document List

The Zion Canyon South Entrance serves as a gateway for the majority of visitors to Zion National Park (ZION). Increases in visitation and changes in use patterns, combined with outdated infrastructure, have contributed to congestion and safety challenges in the area. The National Park Service (NPS) at ZION is proposing to redesign the South Entrance area of Zion Canyon. This project is intended to improve visitors' experience and ensure the long-term sustainability of operations in a very busy park by reducing user group conflicts, improving visitor safety, and protecting natural and cultural resources.

The proposed project aims to realign the roadway from the South Entrance Fee Station to the Zion Canyon Visitor Center. The road realignment would use roundabouts, reconfigure parking for large vehicles, and simplify travel for ZION shuttle buses. The proposed project would also install a new vehicle and pedestrian bridge and reroute trails to facilitate a smoother flow of pedestrians and cyclists. This proposal is anticipated to improve roadway circulation by separating vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian traffic to reduce user group conflicts; create pedestrian connections and intuitive wayfinding; and modernize infrastructure while improving compliance with the Architectural Barriers Act (ABA) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Access the "Document List" menu to the left of the screen to view the Environmental Assessment (EA) and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI), prepared in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The FONSI records the decision of the NPS to redesign the Zion Canyon South Entrance to improve road circulation and safety. The FONSI document, to include the Non-Impairment Determination, is available for public review.

Contact Information

Lauren DeGennaro