Guadalupe Mountains National Park Seeks Public Input Regarding Proposed Changes for Wilderness Use Permits

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Guadalupe Mountains National Park is seeking public input on a new proposed fee for overnight Wilderness Use Permits (also referred to as backcountry camping permits). The park is also proposing to make Wilderness Use Permits available for reservation on The park has seen a significant increase in visitation and Wilderness use over the past decade, especially along the Guadalupe Peak trail and at the Guadalupe Peak campground.

As visitation and use continue to increase, the proposed changes will allow visitors to secure their Wilderness Use Permit in advance and provide critical funding to improve the 80-plus miles of trails and 59 Wilderness campsites that offer hikers multiple ways to recreate and enjoy the park. The park is proposing the following Wilderness Use Permit fee for all Wilderness overnight camping:$6 reservation fee (one per permit) to cover the costs of using plus a $6 per-person-per-night recreation fee for each individual listed on the permit. The authority to charge this expanded amenity fee stems from the 2004 Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act.

The park is committed to keeping rates affordable while also providing visitors the best possible experience. Over 96% of park fee revenue stays at Guadalupe Mountains National Park to maintain and improve trails, campsites, facilities, and services that directly enhance the visitor experience and support the operation of the recreation fee program. '"The Guadalupe Mountains are the largest Wilderness area in Texas,' said Superintendent Eric Leonard. 'The revenue from permit fees will aid us in improving Wilderness experiences and limit negative impacts on the Wilderness landscape through improvements to trails and the ten Wilderness Campgrounds.'"

Guadalupe Mountains National Park is proposing that the new permit fee go into effect in January 2022, with the launch of online Wilderness Use Permit reservations planned for Fall 2022. Please see the attached press release for more information.

Contact Information

Elizabeth Jackson, phone: (915) 828-3251 ext. 2300