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Strawberry Creek Restoration Project

Great Basin National Park » Strawberry Creek Restoration Project » Document List

Great Basin National Park, in partnership with the Nevada Department of Wildlife, NPS Water Resources Division and university partners, will improve the ecological function and resilience of the Strawberry Creek Watershed. The 2016 Strawberry Fire burned over 4,500 acres of the Strawberry Creek Watershed. Sagebrush steppe, pinyon-juniper, aspen, mahogany and riparian systems and over three miles of stream channel in the park were impacted. We propose to implement habitat restoration treatments that will support the post-fire recovery of riparian vegetation and fish habitat in the watershed, promote the persistence and establishment of native vegetation, limit the impacts of nonnative and invasive plants, and utilize process-based approaches to restore stream function and condition. Restoration treatments, monitoring, maintenance and follow-up treatments are expected to occur over the next ten years. Project objectives are as follows.

- Implement stream restoration treatments to slow or reverse channel incision, erosion, and downcutting; maintain floodplain connectivity; prevent further degradation of the stream channel; and maintain or improve the extent and condition of riparian vegetation.
- Assist in the post-fire recovery of habitat for Bonneville cutthroat trout.
- Control the spread of nonnative species and eliminate invasive plant populations where possible.
- Promote the establishment and persistence of native vegetation.
- Monitor restoration treatments for their effectiveness and to avoid potential impacts to infrastructure.
- Maintain stream restoration treatments.
- Monitor fish populations, stream flow, vegetation recovery and changes in invasive plant populations to track success of treatments and follow an adaptive management approach.

We will use three habitat restoration strategies to fulfill project objectives - stream restoration treatments, revegetation treatments and invasive plant management.

Contact Information

Ben Roberts, Natural Resource Program Manager

Phone Number: (775) 234-6314