The San Antonio Missions National Historical Park (SAAN) is currently performing and Environmental Assesssment to evaluate the proposed construction of various visitor services at Rancho de las Cabras. Each of the four San Antonio Missions had ranchos (ranches) for raising livestock. Today, the physical remains of only one (Rancho de las Cabras) is known to exist. The proposed project will provide for development to preserve these cultural resources while offering an opportunity for appropriate public use. Proposed project activities may include the development of a paved entrance road; paved parking areas; hard-surfaced pedestrian pathways; wayside exhibits; landscape improvements; historic resource stabilization/preservation and a staffed visitor contact station with shade structure, comfort facilities and maintenance storage.
Contact Information
Susan Snow
San Antonio Missions NHP
2202 Roosevelt Ave.
San Antonio, TX 78210
210-534-8875 x243
210-534-1106 FAX