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Construct Colorado River District Housing, Infrastructure, and Utilities Lost in the East Troublesome Fire
Rocky Mountain National Park » Construct Colorado River District Housing, Infrastructure, and Utilities Lost in the East Troublesome Fire » Document List
The NPS will also construct new utilities, replace utilities at the existing park housing area, and remove or abandon old utilities infrastructure that was destroyed at the former housing area across from the Green Mountain Trailhead.
On October 21, 2020, the East Troublesome Fire made an 18-mile and over 100,000-acre run in Grand County, Colorado. Rocky Mountain National Park lost numerous structures, including 18 historic buildings at the former Green Mountain-Onahu seasonal housing area, 3 RV sites and all associated utilities. The East Troublesome Fire was the largest fire in Rocky Mountain National Park's 107-year history. It burned over 21,000 acres within the park.
This project is critical for recruiting and retaining seasonal staff to work on the west side of the park. These employees work mid-April through mid-October. Seasonal staff provide essential visitor services and carry out critical park operations. These positions include rangers, park guides, fee and campground staff, trail crew members, buildings and utilities staff, and custodians.
Learn More:
For background information or to learn more about the project, click on "Document List" on the left side of the screen and select the folder titled "Information on Proposal to Construct New Housing Destroyed by East Troublesome Fire". There you will find a link to the 2022 public meeting recording, a Story Map with project information and supplemental documents that were used to analyze the project's potential impacts. Please note the documents in this folder were developed early in the process and have changed. For the most up to date information on the project, view the Environmental Analysis.