Commercial Use Authorization (CUA) Program

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The National Park Service has approved changes to the Grand Teton National Park and John D. Rockfeller, Jr. Memorial Parkway Commercial Use Authorization (CUA) Program. Each of the eight CUA categories were approved through a programmatic Categorical Exclusion (CE) under the National Environmental Policy Act. The eight permitted CUA categories are Auto Shuttle Services, Guided Bicycle Tours, Hunt Outfitter Services, Road Based Tours, Photography and Painting Workshops, Towing Services, Transit Services, and Youth Group Guided Day Hiking.

The program allows the park to issue permits to individuals, corporations, non-profit organizations, and other entities for the purpose of providing appropriate commercial services to park visitors in limited circumstances.

Changes to the program includes updates to the CUA conditions and incorporation of a new permit fee structure. The fee structure is based on the amount of business conducted in the park as measured by gross receipts. Fees will range from 2 to 5 percent of total gross receipts. All revenue from CUA fees remain in the park and parkway and are used in the management of the CUA program.

The CEs for the eight CUA categories are available on the "Document List" section on the left side of this web page.

For more information about the the park's CUA program and application materials, visit the "Links" page on the left side of this web page.

Contact Information

Grand Teton National Park
Business Resources Branch CUA Program
P.O. Drawer 170
Moose, WY 83012