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Bright Angel Creek Trout Reduction Project
Grand Canyon National Park » Bright Angel Creek Trout Reduction Project » Document List
After consideration of public and agency comments on the EA/AEF, Alternative B, as modified in response to comments received, was selected as the preferred alternative and proposed undertaking. Under Alternative B, all non-native fish, primarily brown trout and rainbow trout, will be mechanically removed from Bright Angel Creek using 1) a weir to capture the fish as they move upstream into the creek to spawn, and 2) electrofishing and dip netting (depletion sampling) in conjunction with weir use as part of fish community response monitoring to determine the effects of the project on the fish community in the creek. Initial depletion efforts will focus on removal of brown trout. Rainbow trout will not be removed until consultation with the state has occurred and required state permits have been obtained as required by Title 43 of the Code of Federal Regulations §24 4.
Contact Information
Joseph F. Alston, SuperintendentGrand Canyon National Park
P.O. Box 129 / 1 Village Loop
Grand Canyon, Arizona 86023
Or contact Rick Ernenwein, Project Planning Leader, at (928)779-6279 or