Prepare Management Plan for Pullman National Historical Park and State Historic Site

Pullman National Historical Park » Prepare Management Plan for Pullman National Historical Park and State Historic Site » Document List

Welcome to Pullman National Historical Park and Pullman State Historic Site!

The National Park Service (NPS) and Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) are requesting input on the Joint General Management Plan (JGMP) and Environmental Assessment (EA) at Pullman National Historical Park (Historical Park) and Pullman State Historic Site (Historic Site).

A general management plan establishes a management philosophy and framework for future decision-making at the park. The JGMP incorporates recommendations for the Car Works Factory Site and Hotel Florence; addresses future development needs; and serves as the implementation plan for the desired conditions and management strategies identified during the plan development process.

The Historical Park and Historic Site have multiple community partners and associated sites, many of which are significant to the Pullman Story but remain under private ownership. The document presents a range of management strategies for the NPS and IDNR to support partner organizations and private residents in restoring, maintaining, and providing interpretation and visitor services at sites throughout the Historical Park boundary.

The JGMP was drafted by an NPS-IDNR planning team while consulting with government agencies, nonprofit organizations, stakeholders, residents, and other interested parties. Public comment and feedback was solicited September 1, 2023 - October 15, 2023.

The final JGMP and Finding of No Significant Impact can be found as attached documents to this site.

Superintendent Teri Gage, NPS
Superintendent Levi Brey, IDNR

Contact Information

For information about the park, and the planning process, please contact:
Shared Visitor Information Center
11141 South Cottage Grove Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60628
(773) 468-9310