Parkplanning may experience a brief five-minute outage today, March 6th, between 8 PM and 9 PM MT. Thank you for your patience.

Perform Emergency Maintenance to VC02 Central Caldera Road

Valles Caldera National Preserve » Perform Emergency Maintenance to VC02 Central Caldera Road » Document List

Project will provide emergency repair to the VC02 Central Caldera Road due to spring snow melt causing major erosion. A large sinkhole, approximately 56 square feet (sf) and 4 ½ feet deep will be repaired. Due to the erosion occurring on the road, regrading will be required and approximately 780 SF of base course will be reapplied to the road surface. Two 32 linear feet culverts (36" diameter) will be removed and new culverts installed. A boulder head wall will be rebuilt to protect the road from heavy flow of water. All work will be done from the existing road prism, without any vehicle impact to adjacent grassland or wetlands.

Contact Information

Robert R. Parmenter, Chief, Science & Resource Stewardship Division
Office Phone: 575-829-4850