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National Register Bulletin 16 Update

National Park Service - Washington Office » National Register Bulletin 16 Update » Document List

The National Register of Historic Places (NR) Program is initiating an update of the "National Register Bulletin: How to Complete the National Register Registration Form," and is seeking written comments and recommendations on potential revisions. This publication provides guidance for identifying, evaluating, and documenting properties that are significant in American history, architecture, engineering, archeology, and culture, at local, state, and national levels of significance.

National Register documentation is designed for use as a planning tool. It documents the Nation's historic properties and identifies which properties should be considered for protection from destruction or impairment. Currently, there are over 92,900 NR listings that represent over 1,803,200 total contributing properties. Last revised in 1997, the NR Bulletin provides step-by-step guidance for filling out the National Register of Historic Places NPS Form 10-900. Citizens, homeowners, consultants, Federal, Tribal, State, and local governments, and public and private agencies all follow this guidance in preparing National Register documentation and are encouraged to submit their recommendations to provide more current and publicly accessible guidance on completing a nomination form.

The NPS invites the submission of comments, clarifications, and/or recommendations for revision of this National Register Bulletin. Such feedback can be submitted online by clicking the "Open For Comment" web link at the left of this webpage and selecting the NR Bulletin document. This action will open the comment submission screen. Respondents are strongly encouraged to review the guidance and regulations that govern the NR Program when considering potential updates/revisions, including the current National Register Bulletin, How to Complete the National Register Registration Form, (formerly known as Bulletin 16), the National Historic Preservation Act, and 36 CFR Part 60. Copies of these documents and other NR guidance Bulletins are available under the "Documents" and "Links" web links at the left of this webpage. Alternatively, feedback can be submitted via email to NR_Bulletin16@nps.gov. Respondents should identify their submission(s) as "NR Bulletin Revision Comments" in the email subject line. Deadline for comments: December 31, 2017.

This project is being pursued in accordance with the authority provided by the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended (54 U.S.C. 300101 et seq.), and the NR Program's regulations (36 CFR Part 60). The NPS is the Federal agency tasked by the Secretary of the Interior with responsibility for providing administrative support for the NR Program. Completion of the project will serve to significantly assist the Federal Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, Indian tribes, Native Hawaiians, Federal agencies, and state and tribal historic preservation officers, national and state preservation organizations, professional practitioners, and the general public in the implementation of 36 CFR Part 60, 36 CFR Part 61, 36 CFR Part 63, 36 CFR Part 800, and environmental reviews mandated pursuant to 54 U.S.C. 306107 et seq., 54 U.S.C. 306108, and 42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.

Contact Information

Email: NR_Bulletin16@nps.gov