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Mission 66 Program Comment

National Park Service - Washington Office » Mission 66 Program Comment » Document List

Development of an Agency Request for a Program Comment for Stewardship and Management of National Park Service Mission 66-Era Facilities (1945-1972)

The National Park Service (NPS) Cultural Resources Stewardship, Partnerships, and Science (CRPS) Directorate assists America's national parks efforts to preserve, protect, and share the history of this land and its people. Projects that are carried out in parks are often considered undertakings (36 CFR § 800.16(y)) requiring compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (54 U.S.C. § 306108). The regulations set forth at 36 CFR Part 800, Protection of Historic Properties, were issued by the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) in 2004 and implement Section 106.

Through various program alternatives, the standard Section 106 review process may be tailored for a group of undertakings or an entire program that may affect historic properties. Program comments are intended to give the ACHP flexibility to issue comments on a federal program or class of undertakings in lieu of commenting on such undertakings on a case-by-case basis, and to allow a federal agency to comply with Section 106 in a consistent way for a class of undertakings rather than addressing each undertaking individually.

The NPS CRPS Directorate is developing an agency request for the subject Program Comment for certain undertakings focused on NPS facilities built between 1945 and 1972 (Mission 66-era). The purpose of the Program Comment is to facilitate the reuse and preservation of historic facilities from this era by allowing park superintendents to consider them as eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) and by expediting undertaking reviews. In 2015, NPS completed a NRHP Multiple Property Documentation Form (NRIS #64501248) (MPDF) to provide a framework for park identification of Mission 66-era historic properties. In 2000, NPS also published an online book, MISSION 66 VISITOR CENTERS: The History of a Building Type, by Sarah Allaback, Ph.D., which provides additional context.

To inform development of the request, the NPS is hosted virtual consultation meetings on a conceptual overview with Indian or Alaska Native Tribes, the Native Hawaiian Community, and other consulting parties, as well as a public general overview in late 2023. Comments were received through early 2024 and have been addressed in the outline/plan, which describes the substantive content of the Program Comment and is available via the Document List link on this PEPC site. In May 2024, the NPS will host additional consultation meetings with Indian or Alaska Native Tribes, Native Hawaiians, and consulting parties on the Program Comment outline/plan.

All comments received during consultation will inform the nature and scope of the NPS agency request to the ACHP, which the NPS plans to submit to the ACHP later in 2024. It must specify: the types of undertakings to be covered; the likely effects on historic properties and the steps the agency official will take to ensure that the effects are taken into account; the time period for which the Program Comment is requested; and a summary of comments received, including copies of any written comments provided by affected Indian or Alaska Native Tribes or Native Hawaiians. The NPS anticipates that upon receipt of the agency request, ACHP will conduct its own consultation and then proceed with formal consideration by their membership of a final Program Comment.


Via virtual meetings, NPS will provide opportunities for Indian or Alaska Native Tribes, the Native Hawaiian Community, and other consulting parties, as well as the public, to learn more about and comment on the conceptual overview. As noted above, the NPS will accept oral and written comments.

Please register in advance for any meeting you plan to attend; please note the meeting available only to Tribal representatives. Except for the general overview, the two other meetings will be closed to the public.

NPS Mission 66-Era Facility Program Comment Consultation - General Meeting
Friday, May 10, 2024
3:00-5:00 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time

NPS Mission 66-Era Facility Program Comment Consultation - Meeting with Indian and Alaska Native Tribes and the Native Hawaiian Community
Tuesday, May 21, 2024
3:00-5:00 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time

NPS Mission 66-Era Facility Program Comment Consultation - Meeting with State Historic Preservation Officers and Consulting Parties
Thursday, May 23, 2024
3:00-5:00 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time

Note: Virtual meetings may be recorded if requested and necessary permissions are granted. Session notes will be taken by NPS staff and messages from the chat area will be archived for reference purposes.


The NPS invites comments on the outline/plan, available via the Document List link on this PEPC site, as it serves as the basis for the May consultation meetings. Comments will inform development of the agency request. Comments may be submitted online by clicking the "Open for Comment" link on this page and selecting the "Outline/Plan for the NPS Mission 66 Facilities Program Comment" file. That action will open the comment submission screen.

Alternatively, comments may be submitted via email at:

The deadline for submitting comments is June 24, 2024.