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Green River Crossing

Mammoth Cave National Park » Green River Crossing » Document List

The Finding of No Significant Impact completes the planning phase for rehabilitation of the Green River Crossing. We appreciate the public interest in this project and the comments that were received while we were working through the environmental assessment. We are seeking funding for implementation of the plans.

The environmental assessment examined three alternatives in detail, addressed the environmental impacts of each alternative, and identified a preferred alternative. The FONSI explains why the Selected Alternative (Alternative B) will have no significant effects on the human environment. It is based on the environmental assessment and the comments received from the public, agencies, and staff during the public review period, which concluded March 20, 2011. The FONSI summarizes the public comments received, lists the responses to those comments, and identifies the changes to the text as a result of the public and agency comments.


Patrick H. Reed

Contact Information

Mammoth Cave National Park,
P.O. Box 7,
Mammoth Cave, KY 42259