Management Plan for Non-native Wild Pigs within Congaree National Park

Congaree National Park » Management Plan for Non-native Wild Pigs within Congaree National Park » Document List

Congaree National Park is seeking public input through September 30, 2014 on a draft management plan and an Environmental Assessment for non-native wild pigs within Congaree National Park.The purpose of the plan is to reduce natural and cultural resource impacts associated with wild pigs and to reduce risks to human health and safety.

The environmental assessment (EA) associated with the management plan analyzes potential impacts to the human environment resulting from two alternative courses of action. These alternatives are: Alternative A (no action / continue current management) and Alternative B (implement an integrated non-native wild pig management plan). There is also a Minimum Requirements Analysis on the alternatives to address potential effects to designated wilderness and identify best practices to mitigate those impacts.

Contact Information

J. Tracy Stakely, Superintendent
Congaree National Park
100 National Park Road
Hopkins, SC 29061
(803) 647-3971