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Hodgdon Meadow Entrance Complex Generator Installation

Yosemite National Park » Hodgdon Meadow Entrance Complex Generator Installation » Document List

Replace existing portable generator with a new larger generator. The new generator will be placed within the existing generator enclosure which will be expanded in the front with a 6' x 7' enclosed concrete pad. An underground conduit will be run from the generator to the breaker panels on the ranger station, restroom building and campground reservation office (total of 170 feet of trench 12" wide x 36" deep). A new propane tank with underground piping will be installed next to the generator on a new concrete pad measuring 10' x 24'. The propane will be used to fuel the generator and will replace the existing system serving the ranger station, restroom and campground reservation office.

After review by Cultural Landscapes, the drawings will be modified as follows:

• The proposed generator enclosure expansion will aesthetically match the existing generator shed.
• The propane tank will be relocated to the terrace below the generator shed and positioned roughly parallel with the adjacent sidewalk.
• Every effort will be made to protect mature trees north of propane tank.
• The propane tank will be painted NPS brown.
• A wider diameter tank of similar storage capacity will be used if possible.