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Milagra Battery Trail and Signs, Milagra Ridge
Golden Gate National Recreation Area » Milagra Battery Trail and Signs, Milagra Ridge » Document List
The City of Pacifica signed the CEQA Categorical Exemption Memorandum on December 28, 2015. The NPS signed the NEPA Categorical Exclusion Approval Memorandum on January 11, 2016. These signed documents can be found in the final CE/CE package at the Document List link to the left.
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The National Park Service (NPS) is excited to announce an upcoming trail project. Currently, a series of informal social trails exists in the area nestled between the Connemara housing development and NPS property at Milagra Ridge in Pacifica. These trails are not sustainable and are impacting the natural and cultural resources in the area. The proposed project will consolidate these trails into one trail to maximize resource protection and minimize erosion. This project is being funded with generous support from the California Coastal Conservancy through the Priority Conservation Area grant program.
Project Location
The proposed Milagra Battery Trail is located on the southern edge of 34 acres of open space known as Lower Milagra Ridge (see maps on pgs. 3 and 6 of the document available at the Document List link to the left). As part of the Connemara development project constructed in 2007, a conservation easement and funding was donated to NPS by O'Brien Homes in order to protect endangered species and maintain the trail system.
NPS proposes to build an approximately 2,000-foot long, five- to six-foot wide multi-use trail. The trail would be unpaved, and constructed with base rock and compacted aggregate trail tread. The proposed alignment avoids sensitive species and habitat areas; post and cable fencing along the trail would reduce off-trail use. This route is the preferred alternative for the Bay Area Ridge Trail through Pacifica. Construction is scheduled to begin in February 2016 and expected to be completed by summer. Following construction, volunteers and staff will assist with revegetating the trail corridor.
Pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), NPS and the City of Pacifica have prepared a joint impact assessment to analyze the potential environmental effects of the construction of the Milagra Battery Trail. Preliminary assessment of the impacts associated with the project suggests the impacts to be less than significant and would not require the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR CEQA) or Environmental Impact Statement (EIS NEPA).
NPS will serve as the lead agency under NEPA and has found that based on the impacts that the project meets the conditions of a Categorical Exclusion in accordance with NPS NEPA implementation guidance DO-12. The City of Pacifica will serve as the lead agency under CEQA and has found that this project is Categorically Exempt from further CEQA analysis in accordance with the CEQA Guidelines Article 19, Categorical Exemption.
Public Outreach
The draft joint environmental impact assessment to support NEPA/CEQA requirements can be found in the final CE/CE package at the Document List link to the left.
The public was encouraged to submit comments during a 30-day period from November 25 to December 24, 2015. Following the public review and comment period, each respective agency has reviewed the comments received and made a determination regarding compliance completion.
We appreciate your interest in this project.
Contact Information
For questions about the proposed project, please contact:Golden Gate National Recreation Area
Christine FitzGerald, Community Planner
(415) 561-4745
City of Pacifica
Kathryn Farbstein, Assistant Planner
(650) 738-7341