Develop Water Supply to Augment Annie Springs

Crater Lake National Park » Develop Water Supply to Augment Annie Springs » Document List

Crater Lake National Park (CRLA) sought an additional source of potable water to ensure an adequate long term supply for the park's developed areas. The CRLA public water system serves three separate service areas located on the south side of Crater Lake - Mazama Village, Park Headquarters at Munson Valley, and the Rim Village. The water system is served by a single point of diversion from a sole surface water source at Annie Springs, which feeds Annie Creek. Annie Creek is a headwater tributary of the Wood River, which flows into Upper Klamath Lake via Agency Lake and is a major tributary of the Klamath River.

The National Park Service (NPS) proposed utilizing an existing exploratory well as a new ground water source for potable water that can either supplement the Annie Springs surface water source or provide a sole source of supply to the park water system should Annie Springs not be available. This action is needed to ensure a safe, reliable water supply for domestic and commercial uses at these facilities. The purpose of this action is to supplement the Annie Springs source in CRLA to ensure sufficient water for human consumption, sanitation, life safety, and fire protection, including historic structure protection.

The compliance process for this project was completed with the signing of a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the selected action.The Production Well with Pipeline along Original Highway Alignment Alternative is the NPS Selected Action as detailed in the Environmental Assessment released in March 2016 (available for download from this site). No substantive comments were received during public review that required the EA to be modified.

The Finding of No Significant Impact for the Augment Annie Springs Water Supply and Install PCT Site Improvements is available for review by clicking the "Document List" link on the left of the screen.

Contact Information

Sean Denniston 541-594-3008